Orlando FL

Orlando welcomes Helbiz and electric mobility

Check the Helbiz app for local rates


Find our latest generation of electric bicycles

Operational Hours

Helbiz is available 24 hours per day 7 days per week.


Ride as much as you want for only $39.99 per month

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Access Plan Orlando FL

Operational area

Helbiz is covering all of central Orlando FL. Vehicles leaving the operational zone will be deactivated and are subject to additional fee.

Access Plan

Access Plan

Learn more about Helbiz access plans for qualifying residents. Ride unlimited for just $5 per month.

Helbiz Unlimited

Take unlimited rides with Helbiz for only $39.99 / mo

Available in Orlando FL. Subscribe to Helbiz Unlimited in-app and you can ride as much as you want.

Learn more
Helbiz Unlimited

Know your local laws

Park Responsibly

Ensure Helbiz vehicles are parked responsibly and out of the pedestrian right of way.

Icon / Rules / 18+

Must be +18

You need to be over 18 years old to rent and use vehicles

Wear a helmet

You are required by law to wear a helmet whenever you ride with Helbiz

Icon / Rules / Traffic Rules

Obey all traffic laws

A Helbiz vehicle is subject to all your local traffic laws.

Park in Parking Zones

The city requires you to only park inside specificly marked parking zones which are found in the app.