Helbiz Ads.

Become the Journey.

Travel around the city with your clients through Helbiz Ads. Geo-targeted graphics delivered every time a user unlocks a Helbiz vehicle globally, once in proximity of one of your stores. Helbiz Ads allow you to drive awareness, store visits and conversion, while affiliating your brand to innovation and sustainability.

Helbiz Advertising

Helbiz ads offer a unique opportunity to reach a valuable geo-targeted audience. Unlike other ad platforms, Helbiz interacts directly with consumers while they are on-the-go and close to areas of interest.


360° Experience.

Own the full experience with your brand at the centre.

Target your audience while they are on the move.

Accompany the user throughout the journey, from the beginning to the end of the trip.

Become an active participant in the green revolution.

Porta Venezia Porta Venezia

Various Opportunities to Engage.

Helbiz offers an elegant 360 experience allowing you to take over the app experience, from the unlock screen, to pins on the map, to location triggered notifications.

Sponsored Unlock

Sponsored Unlock

A full screen takeover

Let Helbiz be your digital billboard that showcase a full screen, branded message every time a user unlocks a Helbiz vehicle globally, or in a specific city.

Highlighted Map Pins

Highlighted Map Pins

Map Presence

Pins are available and shown to all users when riding to remind them that your business is on or near their route.

Location Based Ads

Location Based Ads

Near proximity targeting

As every Helbiz user is tracked by GPS, we can trigger your ads to appear when a specific user is near your location.

Interact with your community today!

Helbiz offers an elegant 360 experience allowing you to take over the app experience, from unlock, to pins on the map to location triggered notifications.

Contact Helbiz