Say Hello to Mimoto

Mimoto Moped

Helbiz acquires Mimoto to introduce and scale Moped sharing in Italy

Mimoto as you know it. Same Brand. Same Team. Enhanced experience.

Seamless integration. Unlock Mimoto with Helbiz app.

Mimoto Moped Mimoto Moped

MiMoto is one of the main Italian players in the smart mobility market and was the first electric Moped sharing service in Italy using Italian made electric mopeds in a free-floating service.

MiMoto shares the core values of Helbiz with sustainability at is core not only raising awareness about electric vehicles while boosting their use, but also disincentivizing the use of private vehicles and thus maximizing the value of public spaces.

Mimoto Moped

We Move People

Forget about your keys and use your smartphone to ride around the city like you want






User Friendly

Mimoto Moped

& Warmth

MiMoto freshness meets Helbiz quality generating a new cool identity